Home/News/Winesmiths Chooses Scholle IPN for 2 Litre Bag-in-Box

Winesmiths Chooses Scholle IPN for 2 Litre Bag-in-Box

September 14, 2020

Winesmiths Boxed Wine
Scholle IPN continues to be the partner of choice for stand-out wineries looking to expand their business into the boxed wine market. The latest example of this Australian born Winesmiths. Their desire to offer their customers the same high-quality wine they are used to, without the worry that their wine would degrade in quality if not finished within a couple days lead them to Scholle IPN and our patented bag-in-box barrier films and ergonomic FlexTap®.

Read the Full Story

Learn more about Winesmith’s two-litre bag-in-box offering and how their move to flexible packaging is minimizing their impact on the environment and serving their customers. Read the full success story.